From Psychology 2.0

HowTo: Article


In Hungary, and probably other countries, scientific articles are viewed as more valuable, or perhaps stable, the longer they are. This is because, unlike measuring the length of a document, the novelty – value – of the ideas in an article is immeasurable. Why else do universities and teachers set up as an important parameter of homework, dissertations or theses the length of the document (in pages or character numbers)? In my opinion, it is time to move on from a quantity approach towards one of quality.

A good article is easy to read...

Be ethical by being simple. Follow Mr. Kant's basic principle: do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you, so do not write boring articles that you would not like to read yourself. Try to have fresh, new ideas every three or four sentences to maintain reader’s’ interest. If you can not do that, restructure your text, and check if all words and sub-sentences are relevant and needed.

You might spend an additional hour or two in making your text better and more information-dense. Readers will then read and understand it in less time.

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Page last modified on September 21, 2008, at 03:51 PM EST