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Navigating Within An Article

HowTo.NavigatingWithinAnArticle History

Show minor edits - Show changes to output

September 17, 2008, at 12:00 PM EST by Zsomb -
Changed lines 1-5 from:
One of the main goals of Psychology 2.0 is to be a virtual space where people who like to read psychology related articles meet those people who have interesting and new ideas to publish in this field.

Before starting to read the first articles it is worth becoming familiar with 3 easy tools that help reading the articles more comfortable:

One of the main goals of Psychology 2.0 is to be a virtual space, where people who like to read psychology related articles meet those people who have interesting and new ideas to publish in this field.

Before starting to read the first articles, it is worthwhile familiarizing yourself with three easy tools that will make reading the articles more comfortable:

Changed lines 22-23 from:
As you became familiar with the tools check the [[newest articles]] or browse [[all articles]]
As you became familiar with the tools, check the [[newest articles]] or browse [[all articles]]
September 16, 2008, at 10:34 PM EST by fodormik -
Added lines 20-22:

As you became familiar with the tools check the [[newest articles]] or browse [[all articles]]
September 16, 2008, at 10:28 PM EST by fodormik -
Added lines 1-5:
One of the main goals of Psychology 2.0 is to be a virtual space where people who like to read psychology related articles meet those people who have interesting and new ideas to publish in this field.

Before starting to read the first articles it is worth becoming familiar with 3 easy tools that help reading the articles more comfortable:

September 10, 2008, at 05:24 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed lines 1-2 from:
The Table of Contents
'+Navigation using the Table of Contents+'
Changed lines 6-7 from:
The Display Settings
'+Changing the Display Settings+'
Changed line 11 from:
The SideBar
'+More space for reading by hiding the SideBar+'
September 10, 2008, at 05:23 PM EST by fodormik -
Added lines 1-2:
The Table of Contents
Changed lines 6-7 from:
The Display Settings
Added line 11:
The SideBar
September 10, 2008, at 05:22 PM EST by fodormik -
Deleted line 10:
September 07, 2008, at 09:43 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed lines 9-11 from:
(:include TheSideBar:)
(:include TheSideBar:)

September 07, 2008, at 09:43 PM EST by fodormik -
Added lines 3-4:
Added lines 6-7:

September 07, 2008, at 04:43 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed lines 1-11 from:
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
*At the beginning of each article you can find an automatically generated Table of content. Each chapter-title is a links and by clicking any of them you can jumping to the specific chapter


%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
In the top left corner you find Display Settings, a control panel that allows you to set how much details you would like to see from an article. There are two main options:
*to see just the chapter titles and illustrations ('Just the essence')
*to see the whole article ('Text')
If you choose 'Text', you can make unnecessary parts of the text hide. This option is recommended to those who are familiar reading scientific publications
Some are disturbed by the plenty links and multimedia that is inserted on a homepage (hypertext). Note that the links pointing to other articles will not disappear, just the external links.
(:include TheToc:)

(:include DisplaySettings:)

(:include TheSideBar:)
September 07, 2008, at 04:27 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 7 from:
*In the top left corner you find Display Settings, a control panel that allows you to set how much details you would like to see from an article. There are two main options:
In the top left corner you find Display Settings, a control panel that allows you to set how much details you would like to see from an article. There are two main options:
September 07, 2008, at 04:25 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed lines 6-11 from:
(:include DisplaySettings:)
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
*In the top left corner you find Display Settings, a control panel that allows you to set how much details you would like to see from an article. There are two main options:
*to see just the chapter titles and illustrations ('Just the essence')
*to see the whole article ('Text')
If you choose 'Text', you can make unnecessary parts of the text hide. This option is recommended to those who are familiar reading scientific publications
Some are disturbed by the plenty links and multimedia that is inserted on a homepage (hypertext). Note that the links pointing to other articles will not disappear, just the external links.
September 07, 2008, at 04:24 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed lines 6-11 from:
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
*In the top left corner you find Display Settings, a control panel that allows you to set how much details you would like to see from an article. There are two main options:
*to see just the chapter titles and illustrations ('Just the essence')
*to see the whole article ('Text')
If you choose 'Text', you can make unnecessary parts of the text hide. This option is recommended to those who are familiar reading scientific publications
Some are disturbed by the plenty links and multimedia that is inserted on a homepage (hypertext). Note that the links pointing to other articles will not disappear, just the external links.
(:include DisplaySettings:)
September 07, 2008, at 04:23 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 6 from:
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
September 07, 2008, at 04:22 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 6 from:
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
September 07, 2008, at 04:19 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 6 from:
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
September 07, 2008, at 04:18 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 6 from:
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
September 07, 2008, at 04:15 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 1 from:
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]%%
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
Changed lines 4-7 from:

%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
September 07, 2008, at 04:13 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 1 from:
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]%%
September 07, 2008, at 04:13 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 4 from:
September 07, 2008, at 04:13 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 6 from:
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
September 07, 2008, at 04:12 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 6 from:
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
September 07, 2008, at 04:12 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed lines 6-7 from:
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
September 07, 2008, at 04:11 PM EST by fodormik -
September 07, 2008, at 04:10 PM EST by fodormik -
Added lines 5-11:

%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
*In the top left corner you find Display Settings, a control panel that allows you to set how much details you would like to see from an article. There are two main options:
*to see just the chapter titles and illustrations ('Just the essence')
*to see the whole article ('Text')
If you choose 'Text', you can make unnecessary parts of the text hide. This option is recommended to those who are familiar reading scientific publications
Some are disturbed by the plenty links and multimedia that is inserted on a homepage (hypertext). Note that the links pointing to other articles will not disappear, just the external links.
September 07, 2008, at 03:46 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 2 from:
*At each article you can find an automatically generated Tables of content. This is a set of links and by clicking any of the rows you can jumping to the specific section
*At the beginning of each article you can find an automatically generated Table of content. Each chapter-title is a links and by clicking any of them you can jumping to the specific chapter
September 07, 2008, at 03:44 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed lines 2-4 from:
At each article you can find an automatically generated Tables of content. This is a set of links and by clicking any of the rows you can jumping to the specific section
*At each article you can find an automatically generated Tables of content. This is a set of links and by clicking any of the rows you can jumping to the specific section

September 07, 2008, at 03:44 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 1 from:
%rflow newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
%lfloat newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
September 07, 2008, at 03:44 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 1 from:
%lflow newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
%rflow newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]
September 07, 2008, at 03:44 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 2 from:
*At each article you can find an automatically generated Tables of content. This is a set of links and by clicking any of the rows you can jumping to the specific section
At each article you can find an automatically generated Tables of content. This is a set of links and by clicking any of the rows you can jumping to the specific section
September 07, 2008, at 03:43 PM EST by fodormik -
Deleted line 1:
September 07, 2008, at 03:43 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed lines 1-3 from:
%lflow newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
%lflow newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]]

*At each article you can find an automatically generated Tables of content. This is a set of links and by clicking any of the rows you can jumping to the specific section
September 07, 2008, at 03:41 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 1 from:
%lflow newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
%lflow newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
September 07, 2008, at 03:41 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 1 from:
%newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
%lflow newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
September 07, 2008, at 03:38 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 1 from:
%newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
%newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
September 07, 2008, at 03:29 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 1 from:
%newwin thumb% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
%newwin% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
September 07, 2008, at 03:28 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed lines 1-2 from:
[[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
%newwin thumb% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
September 07, 2008, at 03:27 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 1 from:
%newwin%[[ |
[[ |
September 07, 2008, at 03:27 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 1 from:
%newwin%[[ |
%newwin%[[ |
September 07, 2008, at 03:26 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed line 1 from:
%newwin%[[ |
%newwin%[[ |
September 07, 2008, at 03:23 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed lines 1-2 from:
%newwin thumb%[[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest%%
%newwin%[[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
September 07, 2008, at 03:22 PM EST by fodormik -
Changed lines 1-2 from:
%newwin thumb% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest
%newwin thumb%[[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest%%
September 07, 2008, at 03:22 PM EST by fodormik -
Added lines 1-2:
%newwin thumb% [[ |"Click image to enlarge"]] | Tables of content helps you jumping to the section of interest