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Integrated Paradigm for Psychology aka IPP

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April 18, 2024, at 10:30 AM EST by -
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(:description COMMUNICATION IMPERATIVE; DEFINING SELF AND ENVIRONMENT; EXAMPLE OF THE USE OF FIPP; FIPP-PATTERN; SELF-EXPANSION AND SELF-NARROWING;Defining the FIPP's basic terms: Self, Environment and cognitive schemata. * The FIPP-pattern: Self-narrowing and Self-expansion. * Converting Self-narrowing into Self-expansion with a new cognitive schema. * Spreading the word of that new schema. * The model in action: an example. :)

(:title Fodormik’s Integrated Paradigm for Psychology aka FIPP:)


(:description COMMUNICATION IMPERATIVE; DEFINING SELF AND ENVIRONMENT; EXAMPLE OF THE USE OF IPP; IPP-PATTERN; SELF-EXPANSION AND SELF-NARROWING;Defining the IPP's basic terms: Self, Environment and cognitive schemata. * The IPP-pattern: Self-narrowing and Self-expansion. * Converting Self-narrowing into Self-expansion with a new cognitive schema. * Spreading the word of that new schema. * The model in action: an example. :)

(:title Integrated Paradigm for Psychology aka IPP:)

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FIPP (Fodormik’s Integrated Paradigm for Psychology)


IPP (Integrated Paradigm for Psychology)

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  • Free e-book: academic style description of FIPP (.pdf, 100 pages, 1 MB)
  • Short introduction to FIPP (.pdf, 6 pages, 0.6 MB)
  • Free e-book: academic style description of IPP (.pdf, 100 pages, 1 MB)
  • Short introduction to IPP (.pdf, 6 pages, 0.6 MB)
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FIPP operates with three known psychological concepts: Self, Environment and cognitive schemata. We redefine them as follows (henceforth the redefined Self and Environment concepts are indicated with capitals):


IPP operates with three known psychological concepts: Self, Environment and cognitive schemata. We redefine them as follows (henceforth the redefined Self and Environment concepts are indicated with capitals):

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The FIPP-Pattern


The IPP-Pattern

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  • The personality typology of FIPP and dependencies (good, bad, aggression, detection of cheating, dependencies)
  • The personality typology of IPP and dependencies (good, bad, aggression, detection of cheating, dependencies)
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  • Free e-book: academic style description of FIPP (.pdf, 100 pages, 1 MB)
  • Short introduction to FIPP (.pdf, 6 pages, 0.6 MB)
  • Free e-book: academic style description of IPP (.pdf, 100 pages, 1 MB)
  • Short introduction to IPP (.pdf, 6 pages, 0.6 MB)
June 13, 2014, at 11:56 AM EST by -
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(:youtube ZSMTFMgEtfk:)\\


(:youtube ZSMTFMgEtfk:)\\