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  • Psychology 2.0

Youtube videos connected to Psychology 2.0

Psy2.Videos History

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June 13, 2014, at 06:44 PM EST by -
Added lines 2-3:


June 13, 2014, at 06:43 PM EST by -
Changed lines 1-2 from:

(:title Youtube videos presenting the RRR Paradigm:)


(:title Youtube videos connected to Psychology 2.0:)

Added lines 37-40:

Self-expansion Game videos

(:include Game.Video:)

December 18, 2011, at 02:17 PM EST by -
Changed lines 19-20 from:

(:youtube o3Xg63NGJ54:)


(:youtube FA8j3JWoh5A:)

Changed line 33 from:

(:youtube AEKRcS2X9VQ:)


(:youtube SJIETrw-oqg:)

December 18, 2011, at 01:28 PM EST by -
Added lines 4-15:

Beginner's Introduction to Rapid Repeated Restructuring

(:youtube y6-9q2Uzneg:)

Phenomena explained by RRRP (examples)

(:youtube wIr2O2g-LPQ:)

Intermediate RRRP

(:youtube yFwHiJyUpfE:)

November 04, 2010, at 10:48 AM EST by -
Added lines 1-25:

(:title Youtube videos presenting the RRR Paradigm:)

Rapid, Repeated Restructuring Paradigm

Chapter 1: Is there more than ONE Universe?

(:youtube o3Xg63NGJ54:)

How Do Living Systems Operate? (chapter 1) This video is a part of the series presenting the Rapid, Repeated Restructuring Paradigm. Is there more than one Universe? Are the rules of God = the rules of Universe?

Chapter 2: Am I part of the Universe?

(:youtube csvirlTnvdY:)

What is the relationship between us and the Universe? Can we perceive 100% of the physical reality? Perception errors.

Chapter 3: The nested hierarchy of the Living Systems

(:youtube AEKRcS2X9VQ:)

Each living system is built by living systems down to the molecules. Cell, organ, human, society... what is common in the living creatures?